Thursday, November 1, 2007


After filling our bellies with homemade chili (a Birch tradition) we headed out into the neighborhood. Annie got the hang of it quickly: we'd ring the door bell, she'd say "tick-o-teat" and open her bag, we made sure she always said "tank you," and then she'd yell "next house!" She also stopped to pick up a couple of different rocks and a leaf to add to her treat bag along the way. It was pretty cute. When we got back she dumped everything out and sorted through it. I told her that she could pick one piece of candy at the end of the night to eat. Of course, one turned into three pretty fast: she picked a gummy bear and two tootsie pops - she loves suckers. After brushing her teeth really good and running around in circles screaming loudly until the sugar rush wore off she crashed.


jackie girl said...

Oh my gosh she is so big i got tears in my eyes! I miss her so much! Harry looks so cut as a pumpkin!

Love you guys!

Nana said...

Can't wait to pinch those cheeks !!
Harry looks adorable & actually just like Dad...and Annie...Well ---I can see the "sugar" :)
Looking forward to this week-end