Harry is definitely a daddy's boy right now, which, given that he also constantly wants "up" (to be held) is not such a bad deal for me. He also, unlike his sister, is not shy of the camera so we're posting some of his best (and worst). He continues to add new words to his vocabulary, many times thanks to Annie who is always teaching him: "can you say, 'Um' and then say 'brella.' Good Harry - you said umbrella!" In typical (I guess) sibling fashion they are usually either having loads of fun together or are hitting and pushing each other; actually, its usually Harry hitting and then Annie yelling, "Mommy, Harry is hitting me." To which I say, "well tell him not to do that because its not nice." Annie: "I told him and and told me no." Mommy: "Well, tell him he is not the boss of you." Annie: "I told him and he said no." Mommy: "well just ignore him then." Then Annie steps as close as she can to Harry without actually touching him, i.e., just asking to be hit again, which of course, he usually does and then we start over again. Fun stuff. But really, they usually get along well and watching them laugh together is one of the best things I can think of.

Grady and Erica,
Your children are adorable! I wish I could play with them.
Christmas is definitely about "kids"...and family. We had sooo much fun watching the kids. Some of my favorite moments: watching Harry use the snow shovel with Poppy, filling the bird feeders, and taking a "snow shower" with Annie.
I actually just finished eating the last sugar cookied that A.Kathy left for Annie to decorate. I too have some great Pic's I will forward.
My fav's: Bond, Mini Howie, and Annie's line up.:)
Love Nana
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