One, its one of Annie's favorite phrases. Actually, she usually just says, "go away!" But since we're working hard on teaching her manners we try to get her to say, "Please leave," instead. She actually has been telling us this for a long time, its just before she had the vocabulary she'd just say, "bye! bye! bye, bye!" I guess we should be feeling fortunate that she likes to spend so much time alone (especially because she's usually being really good - just reading books or playing with her toys.)
Two, I'm sure its what my parents are thinking in their heads since we've overtaken their house for the last 4 weeks. They'd of course love the kids to stay on permanently, but its time Grady and I got a move on. So its back to Boise next week. We've had a great time in Utah (thanks to all the baby sitters we've taken advantage of). We've been able to have several kid-free dinners with friends at actual restaurants that serve their meals on real plates, and you don't even order at the counter. Its been great, but we're ready to get home too. Annie occasionally says, "I miss Boise mommy, I miss my toys." It'll be like Christmas all over to see her old toys again.
Hope lots of you reading this come out an visit us soon in 2008!

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