Well we finally sold our SLC house and bought our Boise house. It came with mixed feelings: we won't miss paying mortgage and rent every month and we love the house in Boise, but it really finalized our move which is both exciting and sad. Harry is very determined to crawl which is terrifying. The other night he rolled/scooted half way down the hallway, and he is a yoga master- check out his downward facing dog!!! He also loves to stand-up and play. His bottom two teeth have FINALLY broken through. He's been blowing raspberries with his tongue and enjoying eating anything you give him including whole beans, rice cakes, and chunks of bananas. Annie is keeping us on our toes too. She's really into singing right now - its very cute and we're amazed at how many songs she knows. The kids are still starting to play together more - they had a blast in their first bubble bath together.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Downward Dog
Well we finally sold our SLC house and bought our Boise house. It came with mixed feelings: we won't miss paying mortgage and rent every month and we love the house in Boise, but it really finalized our move which is both exciting and sad. Harry is very determined to crawl which is terrifying. The other night he rolled/scooted half way down the hallway, and he is a yoga master- check out his downward facing dog!!! He also loves to stand-up and play. His bottom two teeth have FINALLY broken through. He's been blowing raspberries with his tongue and enjoying eating anything you give him including whole beans, rice cakes, and chunks of bananas. Annie is keeping us on our toes too. She's really into singing right now - its very cute and we're amazed at how many songs she knows. The kids are still starting to play together more - they had a blast in their first bubble bath together.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
"Please Leave!"
One, its one of Annie's favorite phrases. Actually, she usually just says, "go away!" But since we're working hard on teaching her manners we try to get her to say, "Please leave," instead. She actually has been telling us this for a long time, its just before she had the vocabulary she'd just say, "bye! bye! bye, bye!" I guess we should be feeling fortunate that she likes to spend so much time alone (especially because she's usually being really good - just reading books or playing with her toys.)
Two, I'm sure its what my parents are thinking in their heads since we've overtaken their house for the last 4 weeks. They'd of course love the kids to stay on permanently, but its time Grady and I got a move on. So its back to Boise next week. We've had a great time in Utah (thanks to all the baby sitters we've taken advantage of). We've been able to have several kid-free dinners with friends at actual restaurants that serve their meals on real plates, and you don't even order at the counter. Its been great, but we're ready to get home too. Annie occasionally says, "I miss Boise mommy, I miss my toys." It'll be like Christmas all over to see her old toys again.
Hope lots of you reading this come out an visit us soon in 2008!

Harry in 2008

Harry has a lot of new things to report in the new year: He's been getting up on his knees and rocking back and forth. He's even pushed himself backwards a few times. He's very determined to get moving so he can get what he wants (everything) and put it into his mouth. He signed "milk" for the first time on 1/10. We're still working on eat and more (two words he probably shouldn't learn since he obviously gets plenty to eat). He started making his "m" sounds, and when he gets grumpy it sounds like he's saying ma ma. Even though I know its not on purpose it still melts my heart. Harry has also been using a sippy cup for the past few days (just for one feeding) and he can hold his only bottle for the rest of his feedings. Yesterday we gave him "purely Os" (organic cheerios) and he loves them! He doesn't have the dexterity to pinch them up by himself yet so we do that part for him and he opens his mouth wide like a baby bird and leans forward to put it in his mouth. Very cute. He's such a good eater - beats, pinto beans and broccoli recently joined his repertoire.