So it DOES snow in Boise. Just not very much and it doesn't stick around very long, but we woke up this morning to a blanket of snow. There was enough to build a pretty good snowman. Annie had a blast with her snowman kit, sticking everything on and then making me take it off again so she could redo it again and again and again. Then we took a nice walk in the park with the whole family and had a snowball fight (Harry was exempt). Speaking of Harry, he had his doctor's appointment on Thursday - he's 20 pounds/28 inches which means he's back on the charts (90%/95%). However, his doctor did say that his cheeks are still "off the charts." We are all getting excited for Ma B to come and visit us next week and then to fly to SLC for the holiday. Annie told us tonight that she was "cited" and "can't wait." I asked "what for?" She said "Santa!" This was after a midday melt-down because I had to explain that Santa won't be bringing her a surprise for a couple of more weeks: "No Mommy. Now. Go to Nana and Poppy's house Now. Santa come now!" So we took a trip to Macy's to see Santa, who of course left 30 minutes before we got there, which meant a trip to the mall (mine and Grady's nightmare). Since the parking lot looked packed we parked far away only to find not one, not two, but three front row spots available after toting two kids all the way across the lot (of course we forgot the stroller). After literally walking from one end of the mall to the other to find Santa, his sign said, "back in 1 hour." We told Annie we'd have to wait until next weekend to see Santa and bought her pretzel as consolation. Although its fun to have Annie so "cited" for Santa this year, ignorance can also be bliss! In a few years both kids will be going nuts -- we can't wait!

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