Ma B gave Annie her very own baking set with a whisk and rolling pin so Nana and Annie made some muffins today!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Cooking with Nana
Ma B gave Annie her very own baking set with a whisk and rolling pin so Nana and Annie made some muffins today!
Harry and his Friends
Harry finally met his buddy Dillon who was born on September 5th to Alison and Corey in L.A. Dillon is such a happy little guy, he even smiles in his sleep! They had fun checking each other out.
Harry also played with girlfriend Maddison who has finally started to grow lots of dark hair and is adorable!
I can't wait until they can all run around together - they'll be trouble for sure.
Sledding Day
Merry Christmas!
We all had a fun, crazy and somewhat exhausting Holiday. The best example of exhaustion was Annie on Christmas morning. Once she saw the toys Santa left under the tree, she started to cry and say she was tired, which almost made mommy start to cry. It took about 10 minutes before she calmed down and started playing with her toys. Harry just sat by and took it all in. She was especially excited about the Thomas the train track from Nana and Poppy, the doll house from Santa, and her cash register from Omi and Opi. Opi taught her how to say, "attention shoppers, blue light special on isle ten!" Hilarious. Harry of course was most excite about all the wrapping and tissue paper, which he obstinately tried to put in his mouth over and over again. He did have fun playing with his giant stuffed dog from cousins Josh and Doug.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Having Fun in Utah
We've been having fun in Utah getting ready for Christmas. As you can see, there's a lot more snow here! Annie got to open some early gifts which included this snowsuit complete with boots. Harry's been in the spirit with jingle bells on his head. We had a big party at Ma B's on Saturday for Poppy's B-day and early Christmas. Annie had so much fun hanging out with her older cousins, Ashlie and Fish. She also entertained everyone by running around saying, "Yeah, Boy!" (rapper style) - something her dad taught her, unfortunately. And Harry had everyone in stitches showing off his new teeth (photo coming soon!). We'll be heading to Uncle John's tonight for another family party with more cousins, Aunts and Uncles which should be lots of fun.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Ma B
We've all been enjoying our visit with "B." Annie always has a willing participant to listen to her read her stories, play in her kitchen or color with her. Harry is relishing the extra attention too. Of course, B came loaded with lots of entertaining things - new books, craft projects and banana bread (Annie's favorite.) Yesterday morning Annie was watching B get dressed and when B put her stockings on, Annie said, "What's that?" Grandma said "my stockings!" Annie said, "They look like bandaids." We all thought that was pretty funny. Annie also tells B "go ask mommy" when B can't interpret Annie-talk (like her favorite cartoon character "Uniqua") so B has been getting her exercise. We resumed our cooking lessons and learned how to make B's famous potato pie and fat nannies last night. Annie thought it was pretty funny to call her desert a "fat nanny." We're getting excited for our plane ride to SLC this week - it'll be Harry's first. We are looking forwarded to seeing all our family and friends in Utah and we'll be thinking of those that aren't near too (like Seattle, Colorado, New Mexico, England, and India). Happy Holidays!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Saturday in the Snow!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Six Months Old
The last 6 months just flew by! We can't believe that Harry is already half a year old: He's sitting up and playing with toys - everything right into the mouth. He just started blowing little raspberries. He's very ticklish under his arms and on his back. He eats everything we give him, except avocados. He always tries to grab coffee mugs from your hands. He still pees in the bathtub every time and if your not fast enough, when you are changing his diaper (size 4 now!) too. We are still waiting for those darn teeth to pop out. His eyes stayed blue, but his hair seems darker. He doesn't like to read books like Annie did, but he LOVES his exersaucer. He is a very loved little boy, even if he still wakes up in the middle of the night to get his binki back!
I miss Santa Mommy
My Dumb Brother
I hardly ever read the paper anymore (no time), but a couple of Sundays ago I picked up the comics and read one that made me laugh out loud. A little girl asks her little sister if she would like her to read a book and then starts listing all the books they could read: "Snow White and the Seven Dumb Brothers," Good Night Dumb Brother," "Dumb Brother, Dumb Brother What do You See," "The Very Hungry Dumb Brother" and so on, and the last frame shows the little brother yelling, "Mom! They're ganging up on me again!"

Being an only child I've always been fascinated with the interactions between siblings. As you can see, Annie and Harry have started interacting more: Annie is very good to help me take care of Harry. On Friday she helped me give him a bath (dumped water on his head) and then lotion him up (put clumps of lotion up his nose). It was all good intentioned. Anyway, here are some photos of Annie feeding him mushy peas, giving him a kiss, and "playing" with him by balancing toys on his head. I can't wait to see what happens when Harry can crawl - should be some fun adventures in store!
Being an only child I've always been fascinated with the interactions between siblings. As you can see, Annie and Harry have started interacting more: Annie is very good to help me take care of Harry. On Friday she helped me give him a bath (dumped water on his head) and then lotion him up (put clumps of lotion up his nose). It was all good intentioned. Anyway, here are some photos of Annie feeding him mushy peas, giving him a kiss, and "playing" with him by balancing toys on his head. I can't wait to see what happens when Harry can crawl - should be some fun adventures in store!
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