Harry has always been intrigued with our coffee cups so I let him hold this one yesterday and he put it right up to his mouth. He has been a little fussy lately (not napping as well) so I'm hoping its just teething and that they pop through soon and he goes back to normal. Otherwise, he's doing great. He's started to grab at the little white tags on all of his toys (something Annie used to do too). His hair looks like it might be getting darker (its been really light so far), but I think his eyes will probably stay blue. He LOVED his yams - it made for fun colored diapers. We're thinking peas next or maybe pears and of course an entire Turkey drumstick on Thanksgiving (not really, but he'd probably love it - that kid can eat.) In fact, he is already in a new car seat since he out grew the infant one. So he rides in style like Annie, only facing backward still. As Nana and Poppy pointed out, he is very strong. When he grabs on to something he has a death grip - a good quality for a future NFL player. Of course he is just as sensitive as he is strong - like when Poppy kissed him with his scratchy beard - he had a bit of a meltdown or when jelly shakes unexpectedly next tom him - he gets really upset. So he'll be the strong, sensitive type, just like his daddy :).
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