are Harry two newest accomplishments. The other night in the tub he just stuck his face right down in the water and started blowing bubbles -- he must have learned from watching Annie, but it surprised Annie and I and we all started laughing. Harry started clapping for himself (also a fairly new accomplishment thanks to Bonnie). Then, we decided to try giving him spaghetti noodles. He was grabbing it in fist fulls and shoving into his mouth, and sure enough he began slurping his noodles - what a cute mess! Annie is so excited for Harry's Birthday, mostly because she knows there will be cake (without sugar of course) and a party. We decided to turn his car seat around since he's well over the 20 pound minimum - he loves riding forward like his big sister and I love watching all of his expressions from the rear view mirror!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Blowing Bubbles and Slurping Noodles . . .
are Harry two newest accomplishments. The other night in the tub he just stuck his face right down in the water and started blowing bubbles -- he must have learned from watching Annie, but it surprised Annie and I and we all started laughing. Harry started clapping for himself (also a fairly new accomplishment thanks to Bonnie). Then, we decided to try giving him spaghetti noodles. He was grabbing it in fist fulls and shoving into his mouth, and sure enough he began slurping his noodles - what a cute mess! Annie is so excited for Harry's Birthday, mostly because she knows there will be cake (without sugar of course) and a party. We decided to turn his car seat around since he's well over the 20 pound minimum - he loves riding forward like his big sister and I love watching all of his expressions from the rear view mirror!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
"I have a Harry."
Annie and Harry hung out with Oma and Opa last week-end while Grady worked on his presentation for the Math Geek convention ("Workshop on Petascale Computing: Its Impact on Geophysical Modeling and Simulation" -- I almost fell asleep just typing the name), and I flew off to L.A. to visit my long-time girlfriend Alison and her 8 month old son, Dillon. I know the kids had a good time because every time I called to say hello, Annie could barely stop long enough to say hi. Usually she was yelling about having one of Oma's "cherries" (the bright red, sugar infused ones) or playing store with Opa.
Harry has been teething for a couple of weeks now -- he's got 4 coming in on top. I think 1 or 2 have finally broken through. He's walking on his own now (on purpose) and getting ready to turn ONE - how did that happen???!!
A little boy asked Annie at the playground the other day if she had any brothers or sisters. She replied, "I have a Harry." It was adorable. We also had a conversation about homeless people (stemming from her questions about Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" song). When I told her that some kids don't have any clothes she said, "they just have pajamas?" I told her sometimes they don't even have p.j.s. She said, "they just have naked time?" She got upset when I laughed because she was so serious. We decided we would take some toys, clothes and food to the homeless shelter. That made her feel better. Of course she wanted to take them toast with berry jam. I told her maybe we could take a jar of jam instead.
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